How To be an Alien

Being exceptionally intense and sensitive set you apart from your peers, your family and mainstream society. 

Being different all your life has pushed you into a quest in search of connections. 

Embarking on one voyage after next, transitioning from group to group, continent to continent, you ceaselessly search for the soul mate, the tribe, the perfect parental figure, and a spiritual home. 


Like a diligent seeker, you started all your journeys with a bundle of hope and elation, but

no matter what you try, do, act, contribute, you are just not quite the right fit. 

You have moved from one end of the world to the other looking for kindred spirit and synergy, only to see disappointing history repeats itself.

The unquenched thirst for kinship and community grows ever stronger. 

Loneliness, envy and despair gradually eat you up and wear you down. 

At a divine juncture, however, you wake up.

Taking a pause on your mindless search, you come face to face with the reality that no matter where you go, you are the alien, the observer, the anthropologist, the black sheep, the loner, the misfit. 

Solemnly, you realise maybe your soul is asking you to give up on seeking spiritual connections outside of yourself.

There are two kinds of ‘giving up’— a skilful kind and an unskillful kind.

Skilful giving up leads not to despair but growth. 

Skilful giving up is releasing the unrealistic high hopes that anyone would be your perfect parent, brother or sister. 

Burning away your unconscious child-like desire for the world to be perfect, you mature into embracing humanity for what it truly is, including the shadows of injustice, ignorance and inequality.

It may sound grim at first but working with reality, rather than hiding out in a fantasy, is a courageous and honourable act.

Alchemically, it is by giving up on false hope could you ignite true love. 

The energy you save from not fighting reality will be transformed into generosity and compassion for yourself and others. 

It is by stop wanting people to be what they are not could you embrace them for who they are, and that is the definition of genuine kindness.


 Finally, you are ready to get off the hamster wheel of trying to seek validation from the crowd.  

To make love to yourself is to become espoused with your fate.

It is taking your special seat as an intense and sensitive misfit, and be a champion of these truths: 

It is not arrogant to disgusted with the injustice of the world. 

It is not pretentious to have a complex mind. 

It is not aloof to be disinterested in trivia. 

It is not weak to cry. 

It is not rude to scream. 

Never stop being honest about your true identity. 

Never turn your back on your quirky, asynchronistic self.

Never deny your soul of what it needs to say, act, scream or present to the world. 

When you acknowledge — first to yourself and then others—  your true nature as a sensitive and intense misfit, you will be gifted with boundless energy. 

You will feel in sync with the universal flow.

There is no fighting, striving, trying to be perfect or to prove yourself to the world. 

There is little room for procrastination, inertia, or boredom. 

Everything effortlessly falls in alignment with nature, and you are just carried by the current of life. 

Then, you emit energy so dazzling those who are drawn to integrity and truths will be drawn to you.  

Your vibe will make your tribe. 

Even if it all starts as a tribe of one.  



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Feeling Stuck in Life